A graph is said to be bipartite if all the vertices of the graph can be represented as 2 different sets (let’s say these sets as A and B) such that there is no edge between the vertices of a set.
In other words, the edges in bipartite graph should be from a vertex of set A to another vertex of set B.
- We will divide the graph in 2 sets by using the concept of graph coloring.
- We will mark all the vertices of set A as one color and another color to the vertices of set B.
- We can use DFS to traverse through the graph. While making DFS call to the adjacent vertex, we will mark the adjacent vertex as the inverted color of the current vertex.
- If we found that the current vertex is having same color as the adjacent color, this means that both the vertices belongs to the same set and the graph is not bipartite.
- It is possible to color a cycle graph with even cycle using two colors.
- It is not possible to color a cycle graph with an odd cycle using two colors.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int maxN = 1000001;
vector<int> G[maxN];
// Stores the color of a node
int color[maxN];
bool dfs(int u) {
// Exploring the adjacents of current node
for (int node : G[u]) {
// Checking if the adjacent node is colored or not
if (color[node] == 0) {
// Mark the adjacent node as inverted color of current node
color[node] = color[u] ^ 1;
// Apply DFS for adjacent nodes
if (!dfs(node))
return false;
else if (color[node] == color[u]) {
// If the color of current node and adjacent node is same
// Then they belong to same set, hence the graph is not bipartite
return false;
return true;
int main() {
int vertices, edges;
cin >> vertices >> edges;
for (int i = 0; i < edges; i++) {
int a, b;
cin >> a >> b;
// Since it is an undirected graph, so we will update adjacency list of both nodes
// Start making DFS call from 1st node in the graph
// A flag to store whether the graph is bipartite
bool isBipartite = dfs(1);
cout << "The vertices of set 1: ";
for (int i = 1; i <= vertices; i++) {
if (color[i] == 0)
cout << i << " ";
cout << endl;
cout << "The vertices of set 2: ";
for (int i = 1; i <= vertices; i++) {
if (color[i] == 1)
cout << i << " ";
cout << endl;
if (isBipartite) {
cout << "The graph is bipartite" << endl;
else {
cout << "The graph is not bipartite" << endl;
return 0;
import java.util.*;
public class BipartiteGraph {
static class Vertex {
public int id;
public List<Vertex> edges;
public Vertex(int id) {
this.id = id;
public static boolean dfs(int node, int[] color, Vertex[] graph) {
// Exploring the adjacents of current node
for (Vertex child : graph[node].edges) {
// Checking if the adjacent node is colored or not
if (color[child.id] == 0) {
// Mark the adjacent node as inverted color of current node
color[child.id] = color[node] ^ 1;
// Apply DFS for adjacent nodes
if (!dfs(child.id, color, graph))
return false;
} else if (color[node] == color[child.id]) {
// If the color of current node and adjacent node is same
// Then they belong to same set, hence the graph is not bipartite
return false;
return true;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
int vertices = sc.nextInt();
int edges = sc.nextInt();
Vertex[] graph = new Vertex[vertices + 1];
// Stores the color of a node
int[] color = new int[vertices + 1];
for (int i = 1; i <= vertices; i++) {
graph[i] = new Vertex(i);
graph[i].edges = new ArrayList<Vertex>();
Vertex v1, v2;
for (int i = 1; i <= edges; i++) {
int a = sc.nextInt();
int b = sc.nextInt();
v1 = new Vertex(a);
v2 = new Vertex(b);
// Since it is an undirected graph, so we will update adjacency list of both nodes
// Start making DFS call from 1st node in the graph
// A flag to store whether the graph is bipartite
boolean isBipartite = dfs(1, color, graph);
// Print the components which are connected from current node
System.out.print("The vertices of set 1: ");
for (int i = 1; i <= vertices; i++) {
if (color[i] == 0)
System.out.print(i + " ");
System.out.print("The vertices of set 2: ");
for (int i = 1; i <= vertices; i++) {
if (color[i] == 1)
System.out.print(i + " ");
if (isBipartite) {
System.out.println("The graph is bipartite");
} else {
System.out.println("The graph is not bipartite");
maxN = 1000001
G = {}
# Stores the color of a node
color = [0] * maxN
# Initializing the adjacency list
for i in range(maxN):
G[i] = list()
def dfs(u):
# Exploring the adjacents of current node
for node in G[u]:
# Checking if the adjacent node is colored or not
if color[node] == 0:
# Mark the adjacent node as inverted color of current node
color[node] = color[u] ^ 1
# Apply DFS for adjacent nodes
if dfs(node) is False:
return False
elif color[node] == color[u]:
# If the color of current node and adjacent node is same
# Then they belong to same set, hence the graph is not bipartite
return False
return True
vertices, edges = map(int, input().split())
for i in range(edges):
a, b = map(int, input().split())
# Since it is an undirected graph, so we will update adjacency list of both nodes
# A flag to store whether the graph is bipartite
isBipartite = dfs(1)
print("The vertices of set 1:", end=' ')
for i in range(1, vertices + 1):
if color[i] == 0:
print(i, end=' ')
print("The vertices of set 2:", end=' ')
for i in range(1, vertices + 1):
if color[i] == 1:
print(i, end=' ')
if isBipartite:
print("The graph is bipartite")
print("The graph is not bipartite")