Velocity Learn

Jumping Frog Problem

By Nachiket Bhuta

06 July 2020

There are NN stones, numbered 1,2,,N1,2,…,N. For each i(1iN)i (1 \leq i \leq N), the height of stone ii is hih_i.

There is a frog who is initially on Stone 1. He will repeat the following action some number of times to reach Stone NN :

  1. If the frog is currently on Stone ii, jump to Stone i+1i+1 or Stone i+2i+2. Here, a cost of hihj|h_i - h_j| is incurred, where jj is the stone to land on.

Find the minimum possible total cost incurred before the frog reaches Stone NN.


  1. All values in input are integers.
  2. 2N1052 \leq N \leq 10^5
  3. 1hi1041 \leq h_i \leq 10^4


  1. We will use the Top-Down Approach of Dynamic Programming and solve this problem using Recursion and Memoization.
  2. We will start jumping from the 1st1st stone.
  3. Let memo[i] be the minimum total cost to reach ithi\th stone.
  4. Calculate the cost for jumping to next stone i.e i+1i+1 stone and recursively doing it for next stone until the last stone and lets say this value as AA.
  5. Calculate the cost for jumping to next to next stone i.e i+2i+2 stone and recursively doing it for next stone until the last stone and lets say this value as BB.
  6. Now, calculate the minimum cost = min(A,B)min(A, B) and store it in memoization table at memo[i].


#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

// Maximum stones as per problem
const int N = 1e5;

int n, stones[N];

// Memoization table
int memo[N];

int jumps(int ind) {

    // If we are last stone, then the answer will be 0.
    if (ind == (n - 1))
        return 0;

    // Checking the boundary condition
    if (ind >= n)
        return INT_MAX;

        Since we stored the minimum cost for a stone,
        now we will use the stored cost
        We are initializing the table to -1,
        if the value stored is not -1,
        then we have calculated the minimum cost
        So just return that cost
    if (memo[ind] != -1)
        return memo[ind];

    // Calculate the cost for jumping to next stone (ind + 1) and recursively doing it for next stone
    int oneJump = abs(stones[ind] - stones[ind+1]) + jumps(ind+1);

    // Initializing the twoJumps because there can be a case in which there can be only one stone.
    int twoJumps = INT_MAX;

    // Checking if there are more than 2 stones
    if (ind + 2 < n) {

        // Calculate the cost for jumping to next to next stone (ind + 2)
        // and recursively doing it for next to next stone
        twoJumps = abs(stones[ind] - stones[ind+2]) + jumps(ind+2);

    // Storing the minimum cost in the memoization table
    // and returning the minimum cost
    return memo[ind] = min(oneJump, twoJumps);

int main()

    // Initializing the memoization table with -1
    memset(memo, -1, sizeof(memo));

    int n;
    cin >> n;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        cin >> stones[i];

    // We will start from first stone
    cout << jumps(0) << endl;

    return 0;